
Log for August 19, 2015

Today was a beautiful day on the southwest corner of Stellwagen Bank. We were lucky to have sunny skies and clear visibility well over 10 miles out. Our day started on the western edge of the bank, where we were able to find Cardhu and her calf logging contently at the surface. Personally, this was my first time seeing Cardhu this season so I was elated to see her and her new calf today.  

There was a small boat watching them as well but both the boat and the whales were just relaxing and enjoying the nice day outside. I noticed a few other blows about 3 miles away towards Provincetown so we said our goodbyes and headed south. 

There, we were happy to see Cajun and her calf, Jabiru and her calf, and the stoutly Pele. The group were fluking in unison and demonstrating probable subsurface feeding. One of the calves was a little more rowdy than the group and conducted some tail rises, back rises, and a slight roll. Passengers watched this group for the remainder of the trip and we were lucky to see the humpbacks so calf-heavy today. 

There were not a lot of birds today, although we did see some common terns on our trip.  It was a great day out on the water today! A shout out to our Captain Deb for facilitating such a wonderful trip, and to Peter for taking gorgeous photos.

— Laura

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