The Asteria had a very exciting start to the day. Upon arriving at the dock, I was informed that the Salacia had sighted a juvenile humpback in Boston Harbor. On our way out on the 9 a.m. trip, we stopped and observed the animal for about 20 minutes.
Juvenile whale in Boston Harbor |
The juvenile whales (estimated length 20-30 ft) was off Spectacle Island heading outward bound. It was observed to be thin, with a moderate cyamid lode on the blowhole. From what we saw there was no evidence of entangling line. Although the whale did appear to have healed entanglement scars on the caudal peduncle. This is not unusual, studies have shown that about 80-90% of the whales we see show signns of previous entanglement. The animal did have the Environmental Police maintaining and exclusion zone around it.
Juvenile whale in Boston Harbor |
With that we headed out the the southern edge of Stellwagen, searched the entire southern edge, then headed up the western edge of the Bank. Right near the end of the trip, we caught a few distant glances of a fin whale that was moving very quickly. Rain checks were issued for this trip.
The 2 pm trip headed up to the northwestern corner of Stellwagen. We encountered several minke whales, one which even circled the boat giving passengers some great looks at these often cryptic animals. We then found a single fin whale that was doing some short dives, and included one surfacing very close to the boat.
These pictures are of the juvenile humpback whale in Boston Harbor. In the one you can see Spectacle Island in the back, and the second with Long Island in the background.
-- Ulrika